c++ - can't read tag with TagLib -
downloaded taglib 1.9 https://taglib.github.io/ , compiled instructions provided in install file.
the code below crashes error "the program has unexpectedly finished."
#include "mainwindow.h" #include <qapplication> #include <qdebug> #include <taglib/mp4file.h> #include <taglib/mpegfile.h> #include <taglib/fileref.h> #include <taglib/taglib.h> #include <taglib/tag.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { qapplication a(argc, argv); taglib::filename fn(qstring("c:/users/bill/desktop/02 wrong.mp3").tostdstring().c_str()); taglib::fileref ref(fn); qdebug() << qstring::fromstdstring(std::string(ref.tag()->artist().tocstring())); return a.exec(); }
running in debug mode show me null dereference fileref.cpp @
bool fileref::isnull() const { return !d->file || !d->file->isvalid(); }
running windows 10 insider preview static built qt 5.0.2
i've toiled , toiled , found no helpful result.
the pointer returned qstring.tostdstring()..c_str()
valid while qstring object still alive. in case that's on line you're creating it.
either keep reference qstring or don't use qstring @ all.
taglib::fileref ref("c:/users/bill/desktop/02 wrong.mp3"); qdebug() << ref.tag()->artist().tocstring();
furthermore should add error checks. here's example without using qt:
#include <taglib/fileref.h> #include <taglib/taglib.h> #include <taglib/tag.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { taglib::fileref ref("./falco benz - hat tricks (original mix).mp3"); if(!ref.isnull() && ref.tag() != null) { std::cout << ref.tag()->artist().tocstring() << std::endl; } }
if omit error checks, , file not exists, segfault.
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