java - How to call WebApp with premain -

i have webapplication in java has 3 threads sends data program calls application , saves data (log files log4j) h2 database.

now don't want have 3 threads more or less same. i'm trying inject code javassist , agent after tries think result want! if code right( i'll post later nice if take look) bytecode inserted 3 thread methods before called but....

i used tutorial

and if want call application need write java -javaagent:myagent.jar foo says tutorial webapplication gets called other java program can call , agent inserts bytecode work? not, think. nice if tell me how or maybe how advance code don't need it.

code: transform class (bytecode gets inserted)

public class mytransformer implements classfiletransformer {       @override     public byte[] transform(classloader loader, string classname, class redefiningclass, protectiondomain protectiondomain, byte[] bytes) throws illegalclassformatexception {          return transformclass(redefiningclass, bytes);     }      private byte[] transformclass(class classtotransform, byte[] b) {         classpool pool = classpool.getdefault();         ctclass cl = null;         try {             cl = pool.get("");         } catch (javassist.notfoundexception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }         try {              assert cl != null;             ctmethod[] methods = cl.getmethods();             (int = 0; < methods.length; i++) {                 if (methods[i].isempty() == false) {                     changemethod(methods[i]);                 }             }             b = cl.tobytecode();         } catch (exception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         } {             if (cl != null) {                 cl.detach();             }         }         return b;     }      private void changemethod(ctmethod method) throws notfoundexception, cannotcompileexception {          if (method.hasannotation(loggable.class)) {              method.insertbefore("  thread thread0 = new thread(new runnable() {\n" +                     "\n" +                     "            @override\n" +                     "            public void run() {\n" +                     "\n" +                     "\n" +                     "                try {\n" +                     "                    threadlogger.logcall(webservice.class.getmethod(\"startthread0\"),\"thread0\");\n" +                     "                } catch (exception e) {\n" +                     "                    e.printstacktrace();\n" +                     "                }\n" +                     "            }\n" +                     "        });\n" +                     "        thread0.start();");         }     } } 


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