java - Thymeleaf validation: .hasErrors does not trigger -
i'm trying validate input values of form fieldset , make thymeleaf show error message when invalid inputs occur. somehow following thymeleaf command never gets resolved in right way:
<p th:if="${#fields.haserrors('itemid')}" th:errors="{*all}">name error</p>
more information environment won't hurt guess:
based on spring gs-guide "validating form input" implemented relevant controller method followed:
[...] @requestmapping(value = "/explorer/optaresultrequest", method = public string optaresultrequestpost( httpservletrequest httprequest, modelmap model, @modelattribute("request") @valid somerequest userrequest, final bindingresult bindingresult) { /* destroy existing "request" attribute: */ model.clear(); /* check invalid values: */ if (bindingresult.haserrors()) { (int = 0; < bindingresult.getallerrors().size(); i++) {;;; } /* refill model new, empty "request" attribute. */ model.addattribute("currrequest", userrequest); model.addattribute("request", new somerequest()); return "mypage"; } // process valid request... }
when submit invalid form input controller, runs if clause desired, way prints log.infos , returns same page again (mypage) - mentioned thymeleaf command does not show anything.
2015-07-22 16:22:28.151 info 6896 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] controller : request 2015-07-22 16:22:28.151 info 6896 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] controller : notempty 2015-07-22 16:22:28.151 info 6896 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] controller : field error in object 'request' on field 'itemid': rejected value []; codes [notempty.request.itemid,notempty.itemid,,notempty]; arguments [ codes [request.itemid,itemid]; arguments []; default message [itemid]]; default message [may not empty]
the mypage.html looks (simplified , shortened of cause):
<form action="#" th:object="${request}" th:action="@{/mypage}" method="post"> <fieldset> <div> <!-- itemid --> <div> <label>itemid</label> </div> <div> <input type="text" th:field="*{itemid}" th:placeholder= "${currrequest.itemid}" /> </div> <p th:if="${#fields.haserrors('itemid')}" th:errors="{*all}">name error</p> </div> </fieldset> </form>
so got 2 questions:
obviously: how display error messages?
i go deeper debugging - unfortunately not know how debug thymeleaf , (java) mvc (using sts) in general. managed include detailed loggings of everything.
but i.e. how track current/final value of thymeleaf variables #fields.haserrors()?
big in advance efforts!
all right, combination model.clear(); , model.addattribute("request", new somerequest()); reason.
i wasn't quite aware of thymeleaf engine gets invoked after return statement , can access new, empty request object, has no invalid attributes.
on other hand logger inside post-method accesses bindingresult-object , can print validation information independently of happens model , attributes inside method.
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