android - Sectioning date header in a ListView that has adapter extended by CursorAdapter -

i trying build demo chatting app.i want show messages section headers dates "today","yesterday","may 21 2015" etc.i have managed achieve since new view method gets called whenever scroll list.the headers , messages mixed up.

for simplicity, have kept header in layouts , changing visibility(gone , visible) if date changes.

can me out this? let me know if needs more info posted in question.

public class chatssadapter extends cursoradapter {      private context mcontext;     private layoutinflater minflater;     private cursor mcursor;     private string mmyname, mmycolor, mmyimage, mmyphone;     // private list<contact> mcontactslist;     private fragmentactivity mactivity;     private boolean misgroupchat;      public chatssadapter(context context, cursor c, boolean groupchat) {         super(context, c, false);         mcontext = context;         mmycolor = constants.getmycolor(context);         mmyname = constants.getmyname(context);         mmyimage = constants.getmyimageurl(context);         mmyphone = constants.getmyphone(context);         misgroupchat = groupchat;         mcursor = c;         // mactivity = fragmentactivity;         /*try {             mcontactslist = pinchdb.gethelper(mcontext).getcontactdao().queryforall();         } catch (sqlexception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }*/     }      @override     public int getitemviewtype(int position) {         cursor cursor = (cursor) getitem(position);         return getitemviewtype(cursor);     }       private int getitemviewtype(cursor cursor) {         boolean type;          if (misgroupchat)             type = cursor.getstring(cursor.getcolumnindex(chat.colmn_chat_user)).compareto(mmyphone) == 0;         else type = cursor.getint(cursor.getcolumnindex(chat.colmn_from_me)) > 0;         if (type) {             return 0;         } else {             return 1;         }     }      @override     public view newview(context context, cursor cursor, viewgroup parent) {         view v = null;         int itemviewtype = getitemviewtype(cursor);         if (v == null) {             minflater = (layoutinflater) context.getsystemservice(context.layout_inflater_service);              if (itemviewtype == 0) {                 v = minflater.inflate(r.layout.row_chat_outgoing, parent, false);             } else {                 v = minflater.inflate(r.layout.row_chat_incoming, parent, false);             }         }         return v;     }      @override     public void bindview(view view, context context, cursor cursor) {         viewholder holder = new viewholder();         view v = view;         final chat chat = new chat(cursor);         boolean fromme = misgroupchat ? chat.getuser().compareto(mmyphone) == 0 : chat.isfrom_me();          if (fromme) {              // logged in user's data setting....             holder.chat_name = (styleabletextview) v                     .findviewbyid(;              holder.chat_time = (styleabletextview) v                     .findviewbyid(;              holder.chat_tag = (styleabletextview) v                     .findviewbyid(;              int color = color.parsecolor("#ffffff");             v.setbackgroundcolor(color);              holder.chat_name.settext("#you");             holder.chat_time.settext(apputil.geteventtime(chat.gettimestamplong()));              // header text setting , process..             holder.chat_header_text = (textview) v.findviewbyid(;               string str_date = apputil.coverttodate(chat.gettimestamplong());             string pref_date = sharepreferencesutil.getsharedpreferencesstring(mcontext, constants.chat_timestamp, "");              if (!str_date.equalsignorecase(pref_date)) {                 holder.chat_header_text.setvisibility(view.visible);                 sharepreferencesutil.putsharedpreferencesstring(mcontext, constants.chat_timestamp, str_date);                 holder.chat_header_text.settext(str_date);             } else {                 holder.chat_header_text.setvisibility(view.gone);             }                string firstword, therest;             string mystring = chat.gettext();             string arr[] = mystring.split(" ", 2);              if (arr.length > 1) {                 firstword = arr[0]; // word hash..                 therest = arr[1];   // rest of body..                  holder.chat_tag.settext(html.fromhtml("<font color=\"#999999\"><b>" + firstword + "</b></font>" + "  " + "<font color=\"#000000\">" + therest + "</font>"));                 // holder.chat_text.settext(therest);                 // holder.chat_text.setclickable(false);             } else {                 string msg = arr[0]; // word hash..                 holder.chat_tag.settext(html.fromhtml("<font color=\"#999999\"><b>" + msg + "</b></font>"));                 //holder.chat_text.settext("");             }              updatetimetextcolorasperstatus(holder.chat_time, chat.getstatus());             v.settag(holder);          } else {              // other user's data setting....              holder.chat_name = (styleabletextview) v                     .findviewbyid(;              holder.chat_time = (styleabletextview) v                     .findviewbyid(;               holder.chat_tag = (styleabletextview) v                     .findviewbyid(;               holder.chat_image = (imageview) v                     .findviewbyid(;              string image = cursor.getstring(cursor.getcolumnindex("image"));             string name = cursor.getstring(cursor.getcolumnindex("name"));             string color = cursor.getstring(cursor.getcolumnindex("color"));              // set values...             if (holder.chat_image != null) {                 mimageloader.displayimage(context, image, holder.chat_image, r.drawable.round_user_place_holder);             }              int back_color = color.parsecolor("#ffffff");             v.setbackgroundcolor(back_color);              holder.chat_name.settext(name);             holder.chat_time.settext(apputil.geteventtime(chat.gettimestamplong()));              // header text setting , process..             holder.chat_header_text = (textview) v.findviewbyid(;              string str_date = apputil.coverttodate(chat.gettimestamplong());             string pref_date = sharepreferencesutil.getsharedpreferencesstring(mcontext, constants.chat_timestamp, "");             log.d("eywa", "str date ::::: " + str_date + "  pref date :::::: " + pref_date);             /*if (!textutils.isempty(pref_date)) {                 if (!pref_date.contains(str_date)) {                     holder.chat_header_text.setvisibility(view.visible);                     sharepreferencesutil.putsharedpreferencesstring(mcontext, constants.chat_timestamp, pref_date + str_date);                     holder.chat_header_text.settext(str_date);                 } else {                     holder.chat_header_text.setvisibility(view.gone);                 }             } else {                 holder.chat_header_text.setvisibility(view.visible);                 sharepreferencesutil.putsharedpreferencesstring(mcontext, constants.chat_timestamp, pref_date + str_date);                 holder.chat_header_text.settext(str_date);              }*/             if (!str_date.equalsignorecase(pref_date)) {                 holder.chat_header_text.setvisibility(view.visible);                 sharepreferencesutil.putsharedpreferencesstring(mcontext, constants.chat_timestamp, str_date);                 holder.chat_header_text.settext(str_date);             } else {                 holder.chat_header_text.setvisibility(view.gone);             }               string firstword, therest;             string mystring = chat.gettext();              string arr[] = mystring.split(" ", 2);             if (arr.length > 1) {                 firstword = arr[0]; // word hash..                 therest = arr[1];   // rest of body..                  holder.chat_tag.settext(html.fromhtml("<font color=\"#999999\"><b>" + firstword + "</b></font>" + "  " + "<font color=\"#000000\">" + therest + "</font>"));                 // holder.chat_text.setclickable(false);             } else {                 string msg = arr[0]; // word hash..                 holder.chat_tag.settext(html.fromhtml("<font color=\"#999999\"><b>" + msg + "</b></font>"));                 // holder.chat_text.settext("");             }              string phone = cursor.getstring(cursor.getcolumnindex("user"));             final contact contact = new contact(name, phone, "", color, image);              if (holder.chat_image != null) {                 holder.chat_image.settag(contact);  //            holder.chat_name.settag(contact);                 holder.chat_image.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() {                     @override                     public void onclick(view v) {                         contact con = (contact) v.gettag();                         intent intent = new intent(mcontext, otherprofileactivity.class);                         intent.putextra(constants.extra_contact, con);                         mcontext.startactivity(intent);                     }                 });             }              v.settag(holder);         }           /*else         {             view=         }*/     }       private void updatetimetextcolorasperstatus(textview chat_time, int status) {         if (status == 0) chat_time.setvisibility(view.invisible);         else {             chat_time.setvisibility(view.visible);            /* if (status == 1)                 chat_time.settextcolor(mcontext.getresources().getcolor(android.r.color.white));*/             if (status == 2)                 chat_time.settextcolor(mcontext.getresources().getcolor(android.r.color.darker_gray));             else if (status == 3)                 chat_time.settextcolor(mcontext.getresources().getcolor(;         }     }       @override     public int getviewtypecount() {         return 2;     }      public class viewholder {         public styleabletextview chat_name;         public styleabletextview chat_time;         public styleabletextview chat_tag;         public imageview chat_image;         public textview chat_header_text;     }       @override     public int getcount() {          if (getcursor() == null) {             return 0;         } else {             return getcursor().getcount();         }     } } 


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