java - run method 100 times and save each run in 2 D array -
i writing code in java
i have method returns array contains 24 values
i want run method 100 times , want save result in 2 dimensional array.
i want save each run method in row
this code
int[][] multiarray = new int[101][24]; (int n= 0; n<multiarray.length; n++){ for(int nn = 0; nn<multiarray[n].length;nn++){ for(int s =0; s<100;s++){ actionarray =functionss (ff, b, d, e); multiarray [n][nn] = actionarray[s]; } multiarray [n][nn] = actionarray[nn]; system.out.print(multiarray [n][nn]+" "); } system.out.println(); }
function xy return object[24]; object[][] arr = new object[100][24]; for(int = 0; < 100; i++{ for(int j= 0; j <24 ; j++){ arr[i][j] = returnof(xy)[j]; }
is solution u need (pseudo code ;) )? dont understand question think :)
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