leaflet - D3.js SVG on OpenLayers3 interactive map -
i trying figure out how hard integrate d3.js openlayers 3 create beautiful interactive map.
i looking @ mike's example, d3 + leaflet: http://bost.ocks.org/mike/leaflet/
and @ mike`s example d3.geo.path + canvas lose interactivity , css style support of svg.
and on openlayers-3 example site, there interactive map, integrates mike's example of d3.geo.path
+ canvas openlayers create interactive map:
so wondering, missing in openlayers3 allow creation of similar d3 + leaflet example, or possible considering ol3 design?
you can't use css approch used leaflet on openlayers, d3 + openlayer draw data using d3 on canvas wich used imagelayer.
you need use openlayer approch : layers + style , can have similar performance openlayers "imagevector" layers.
i edited jsfiddle style + imagevector:
var vector = new ol.layer.image({ source: new ol.source.imagevector({ source: vectorsource, style: new ol.style.style({ fill: new ol.style.stroke({ color: '#efefef', width: 1 }), stroke: new ol.style.stroke({ color: '#fff', width: 1 }) }) }) }); // select interaction working on "mousemove" var selectmousemove = new ol.interaction.select({ condition: ol.events.condition.mousemove, style: new ol.style.style({ fill: new ol.style.stroke({ color: 'red', width: 1 }), stroke: new ol.style.stroke({ color: '#fff', width: 1 }) }) });
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