Rails Model Association with form -

i trying achieve this:

  1. it has model called customer has details of customers name (first, middle , last) , telephone numbers (mobile , landline).
  2. it has model called address linked customer. model have details customers address (a number of address lines, country , post/zip code).
  3. a customers controller supports 2 pages. first list customers in database along associated address. second display form entry of new customer along address , allow creation of new customer , address record. should possible move either page other without having enter url in browser navigation bar. number of points of note follows...

this code:


class createaddresses < activerecord::migration   def change    create_table :addresses |t|    t.string :address_line1    t.string :address_line2    t.string :address_line3    t.string :city    t.string :county_province    t.string :zip_or_postcode    t.string :country    t.string :customer_id     t.timestamps null: false  end   create_table :customers |t|   t.string :first_name   t.string :middle_name   t.string :last_name   t.integer :mobile_number   t.integer :landline_number    t.timestamps null: false  end end end 


class address < activerecord::base end  class customer < activerecord::base   has_one :address end 


<%= form_for([@address,@customer]) |f| %> <% if @customer.errors.any? %> <div id="error_explanation">   <h2><%= pluralize(@customer.errors.count, "error") %> prohibited customer being saved:</h2>    <ul>   <% @customer.errors.full_messages.each |message| %>     <li><%= message %></li>   <% end %>   </ul> </div> <% end %>  <div class="field"> <%= f.label :first_name %><br> <%= f.text_field :first_name %> </div> <div class="field">   <%= f.label :middle_name %><br>   <%= f.text_field :middle_name %> </div> <div class="field">   <%= f.label :last_name %><br>   <%= f.text_field :last_name %> </div> <div class="field">   <%= f.label :mobile_number %><br>   <%= f.number_field :mobile_number %> </div> <div class="field">   <%= f.label :landline_number %><br>   <%= f.number_field :landline_number %> </div>  <div class="field">   <%= f.label :address_line1 %><br>   <%= f.text_field :address_line1 %> </div> <div class="field">   <%= f.label :address_line2 %><br>   <%= f.text_field :address_line2 %> </div> <div class="field">   <%= f.label :address_line3 %><br>   <%= f.text_field :address_line3 %> </div> <div class="field">   <%= f.label :city %><br>   <%= f.text_field :city %> </div> <div class="field">   <%= f.label :county_province %><br>   <%= f.text_field :county_province %> </div> <div class="field">   <%= f.label :zip_or_postcode %><br>   <%= f.text_field :zip_or_postcode %> </div> <div class="field">   <%= f.label :country %><br>   <%= f.text_field :country %> </div> <div class="actions">   <%= f.submit %> </div> <% end %> 


resources :addresses   resources :customers   end resources :customers   resources :addresses   end 

i haven't changed in both controllers.

i getting error: undefined method `address_line1' #

i don't understand wrong. help? :( please


activerecord::schema.define(version: 20150722160725)    create_table "addresses", force: :cascade |t|   t.string   "customer_id"   t.string   "address_line1"   t.string   "address_line2"   t.string   "address_line3"   t.string   "city"   t.string   "county_province"   t.string   "zip_or_postcode"   t.string   "country"   t.datetime "created_at",      null: false   t.datetime "updated_at",      null: false end  add_index "addresses", ["customer_id"], name:   "index_addresses_on_customer_id"  create_table "customers", force: :cascade |t|   t.string   "first_name"   t.string   "middle_name"   t.string   "last_name"   t.integer  "mobile_number"   t.integer  "landline_number"   t.datetime "created_at",      null: false   t.datetime "updated_at",      null: false end  end 


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