elasticsearch, documents with data in field1 OR field2 -
how instruct elasticsearch return documents have data in 1 of following fields: ['field1','field2']?
i have tried:
{ 'query': { 'bool':{ 'must':[ 'multi_match':{ 'fields':['field1','field2'], 'operator':'and', 'tie_breaker':1.0, 'query': '*', 'type':'cross_fields' } ] } } }
i tried:
{ "query":{ "wildcard": { "field1":"*" } } }
which works, but:
{ "query":{ "wildcard": { "field*":"*" } } }
does not
you can 2 exists filters in bool filter
as example, set simple index , gave data:
put /test_index post /test_index/doc/_bulk {"index":{"_id":1}} {"field1":"foo","field2":"bar"} {"index":{"_id":2}} {"field2":"foo","field3":"bar"} {"index":{"_id":3}} {"field3":"foo","field4":"bar"} {"index":{"_id":4}} {"field4":"foo","field5":"bar"}
if want find documents have "field1
" or "field3"
, can this:
post /test_index/_search { "query": { "filtered": { "query": { "match_all": {} }, "filter": { "bool": { "should": [ { "exists": { "field": "field1" } }, { "exists": { "field": "field3" } } ] } } } } }
it returns expect:
{ "took": 1, "timed_out": false, "_shards": { "total": 1, "successful": 1, "failed": 0 }, "hits": { "total": 3, "max_score": 1, "hits": [ { "_index": "test_index", "_type": "doc", "_id": "1", "_score": 1, "_source": { "field1": "foo", "field2": "bar" } }, { "_index": "test_index", "_type": "doc", "_id": "2", "_score": 1, "_source": { "field2": "foo", "field3": "bar" } }, { "_index": "test_index", "_type": "doc", "_id": "3", "_score": 1, "_source": { "field3": "foo", "field4": "bar" } } ] } }
here's code used:
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