How to convert epoch time to Human readable in Teradata -

in teradata table, have epoch timestamps under column dhtimestamp

dhtimestamp   1435308067705   1434965874565   1434763800794   1434775876034   1434765207057   

how can convert epoch timestamp human date/time format on teradata?

this sql udf standard unixtime:

/********** converting unix/posix time timestamp   unix time: number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 utc not counting leap seconds (currently 24 in 2011)  working negative numbers. maximum range of timestamps based on range of integers: 1901-12-13 20:45:52 (-2147483648) 2038-01-19 03:14:07 (2147483647)  can changed use bigint instead of integer  20101211 initial version - dieter noeth **********/  replace function epoch2timestamp (unixtime int) returns timestamp(0) language sql contains sql deterministic returns null on null input sql security definer collation invoker inline type 1 return  cast(date '1970-01-01' + (unixtime / 86400) timestamp(0)) + ((unixtime mod 86400) * interval '00:00:01' hour second) ;  select    epoch2timestamp(-2147483648)   ,epoch2timestamp(0)   ,epoch2timestamp(2147483647) ; 

but values seem include milliseconds, needs modified calculation:

cast(date '1970-01-01' + (unixtime / 86400000) timestamp(3)) + ((unixtime / 1000.000 mod 86400) * interval '00:00:01' hour second) 

edit 2016-07-01:

there issue dayight saving time (see this thread on teradata's on devex), should fix it:

-- unix time timestamp time zone (+00:00) replace function unixtime_to_timestamp_tz (unixtime int) returns timestamp(0) time zone language sql contains sql deterministic sql security definer collation invoker inline type 1 return   ((cast(date '1970-01-01' + (unixtime / 86400) timestamp(0) @ 0)) @ 0) + ((unixtime mod 86400) * interval '00:00:01' hour second);  -- unixtime timestamp, implicit time zone of local session replace function unixtime_to_timestamp (unixtime int) returns timestamp(0) language sql contains sql deterministic sql security definer collation invoker inline type 1 return   cast(((cast(date '1970-01-01' + (unixtime / 86400) timestamp(0) @ 0)) @ 0)      + ((unixtime mod 86400) * interval '00:00:01' hour second) timestamp(0)); 


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