try to create new variable using loop in R,but failed -
i new user r.i have imported data txt file using code down below,but want create new variable when importing data,the variable called case.the value of case first row 1 , rest 0.
and when try run code,the console did not anytime wrong ,the data has been imported, new variable wasn't created.i don't know why.
for(i in filenames){ perpos <- which(strsplit(i, "")[[1]]==".") data=assign( gsub(" ","",substr(i, 1, perpos-1)), read.table(paste(filepath,i,sep=""),fill=true,header=true,quote ="",row.names = null,sep="\t") ) strsplit(i, "") filename = strsplit(as.character(i),"\\.txt") data$case = ifelse(data$name=="filename",1,0) }
thanks guys! used @joosts's code , made ajustment. code down below works fine.
fn <- paste(filepath,filenames,sep="") mylist <- lapply(fn, read.table,fill = true, header = true, quote = "",row.names = null, sep = "\t",stringsasfactors=false) for(i in 1:length(filenames)){ mylist[[i]]<- cbind(mylist[[i]], case = 0) if(nrow(mylist[[i]])>0) { mylist[[i]]$case[1] <- 1 } mylist[[i]]<- cbind(mylist[[i]], id = i) }, mylist)
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