actionscript 3 - Why not stop the program when they break point? -

i did project in as3 , used code:

   public class main extends sprite      {          public function main()          {              if (stage) init();             else addeventlistener(event.added_to_stage, init);         }          private function init(e:event = null):void          {             removeeventlistener(event.added_to_stage, init);             // entry point             var numar:number = 10; //here put breakpoint             var rectangle:shape = new shape; // initializing variable named rectangle   ; // choosing colour fill, here red   , 0, 100,100); // (x spacing, y spacing, width, height)   ; // not needed put in end fill             addchild(rectangle); // adds rectangle stage         }      }  } 

this app 1 test. example want stop program when variable created , see value.

if press f5 run program continue , not stop @ breakpoint.

i use development environment flash develop.

can me solve problem?

thaks in advance!


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