javascript - How to make a range of dates avaible in DatePicker mvc4 -
i have method generate range of dates. want make range of dates avaible in datepicker , rest of dates has disabled.
this jquery:
;(function($) { $(function() { $("form.xforms-form").bind({ xforms_enrich: function(e) { if ($.fn.datepicker) { $("input.qmatic-dateslot", { var inp = $(this); if (":disabled")) return; var tabindex = inp.attr("tabindex"); var dateformat = $.xforms.getproperty(inp, 'dateformat') || 'd-m-yy'; dateformat = dateformat.replace(/m/g, '0').replace(/h/gi, '0').replace(/t/g, '').replace(/m/g, 'm').replace('yyyy', 'yy'); $("#" + inp.attr("id") + " ~ button.ui-datepicker-trigger").attr("tabindex", tabindex); var clearbtn = $('<button class="ui-datepicker-clear" type="button" tabindex="' + tabindex + '">x</button>').click(function() { inp.val(''); inp.change(); return false; }); inp.after(clearbtn); inp.datepicker({ dateformat: dateformat, changemonth: true, beforeshowday: function(date) { var array = $.getjson("/qmatic/getavailabledates"); //["2015-03-14", "2015-03-15", "2015-03-16"]; var string = jquery.datepicker.formatdate('yy-mm-dd', date); return [array.indexof(string) == -1]; }, changeyear: false, showweek: true, firstday: 1, yearrange: "c-100:c+15", showon: inp.hasclass("ui-date-picker-onfocus") ? "focus" : "button" }) }); $("#ui-datepicker-div").hide(); } } }) }) })(jquery);
and method generates availeble in class: qmatic:
public availabledates getavailabledates(string branchpublicid, string servicepublicid) { httpwebrequest httprequest = createhttprequest("calendar-backend/public/api/v1/branches/" + branchpublicid + "/services/" + servicepublicid + "/dates", httpmethod.get, "application/json"); string json = get(httprequest); return jsonconvert.deserializeobject<availabledates>(json); }
so has client side. because dates available. how enable range in datepicker , disable other dates?
thank you
i try this:
inp.datepicker({ dateformat: dateformat, changemonth: true, url: "/qmatic/getavailabledates", type: "get", beforeshowday: function (date) { var array = url; //$.getjson("/qmatic/getavailabledates"); //["2015-03-14", "2015-03-15", "2015-03-16"]; var string = jquery.datepicker.formatdate('yy-mm-dd', date); return [array.indexof(string) == -1]; }, changeyear: false, showweek: true, firstday: 1, yearrange: "c-100:c+15", showon: inp.hasclass("ui-date-picker-onfocus") ? "focus" : "button" })
but datepicker doenst work anymore
so hardcoded:
var array = ["2015-03-14", "2015-03-15", "2015-03-16"];
but how extract dates method:
public availabledates getavailabledates(string branchpublicid, string servicepublicid) { httpwebrequest httprequest = createhttprequest("calendar-backend/public/api/v1/branches/" + branchpublicid + "/services/" + servicepublicid + "/dates", httpmethod.get, "application/json"); string json = get(httprequest); return jsonconvert.deserializeobject<availabledates>(json); }
thank you!
this output of json:
i try this:
inp.datepicker({ dateformat: dateformat, changemonth: true, //url: "/qmatic/getavailabledates/", type: "get", datatype: "application/json", url: "~/getavailabledates, qmatic", data:"{}", beforeshowday: function (date) { var result = msg.d; var array = []; //$.getjson("/qmatic/getavailabledates"); //["2015-03-14", "2015-03-15", "2015-03-16"]; var len = result.length; (var = 0; < len; i++) { array.push(result[i]); } var string = jquery.datepicker.formatdate('yy-mm-dd', date); return [array.indexof(string) == -1]; }, changeyear: false, showweek: true, firstday: 1, yearrange: "c-100:c+15", showon: inp.hasclass("ui-date-picker-onfocus") ? "focus" : "button" })
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