entity framework - SQL Server sp_executesql timeout -
the following query (without details) ends timeout. columns have nvarchar type. not this. query works without sp_executesql.
exec sp_executesql n'declare @exp nvarchar(max) = ''%'' + @name + ''%'' select u.id [local_db]..users u join [linked_server].[remote_db].dbo.players p on p.playerid = u.playerid join [linked_server].[remote_db].dbo.playerstats ps on ps.playerid = u.playerid @exp null or u.nickname @exp or u.name @exp or p.nickname @exp order ps.wins desc offset @skip rows fetch next @take rows only',n'@skip int,@take int,@name nvarchar(8)',@skip=0,@take=24,@name=n'foo'
i've found interesting details. if remove or p.nickname @exp
, works. same happens, when remove or u.nickname @exp or u.name @exp
. it's thought.
next query works fine!
exec sp_executesql n' declare @skip int = 0, @take int = 24, @name nvarchar(8) = n''foo'' declare @exp nvarchar(max) = ''%'' + @name + ''%'' select u.id [local_db]..users u join [linked_server].[remote_db].dbo.players p on p.playerid = u.playerid join [linked_server].[remote_db].dbo.playerstats ps on ps.playerid = u.playerid @exp null or u.nickname @exp or u.name @exp or p.nickname @exp order ps.wins desc offset @skip rows fetch next @take rows only'
queries sp_executesql , without have different execution plans (why???). in case of sp_executesql profiler suggested me create index on users(playerid) included columns (id, name, nickname). , works charm! if encounter problem, try profile query.
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