gsp - Return Boolean value from Grails Tablib? -
this question has answer here:
- grails: call taglib g:if tag 1 answer
i created custom grails tablib:
def hasrole = { attrs, body -> boolean result = false if (attrs.roles) { if (springsecurityutils.ifanygranted(attrs.roles)) { result = true } } out << result }
this can used this:
${cust.hasrole(roles:'role_admin') ? 'yes' : 'no' }
the problem comparison alway results yes
. seams expression not evaluated correctly.
the returning class type of hasrole org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.util.streamcharbuffer
how above expression evaluated correctly such hasrole()
returns boolean value?
the key going use of returnobjectfortags
in taglib. default tag library outputs information output writer (out
). in case want this:
package example class footaglib { static namespace = 'something' static returnobjectfortags = ['hasrole'] def hasrole = { attrs, body -> boolean result = false ... return result } }
as can see returnobjectfortags
static list of methods/closures want return actual objects , don't expect modifying output stream directly.
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