java - Why does Jackson ignore @JsonCreator annotation in my auto-generated POJO Enum? -

as usual, there probaly simple solution problem:

i have json schema snippet defines following enum:

"title" : {     "type": "string",     "enum": ["mr", "miss", "mrs", "ms"],     "description": "the person's title"  } 

my company's framework uses jsonschema2pojo , maven create necessary pojo (title lives in clazz, title part of clazz in json schema - clazz name being made - replace employee or customer or whatever like):

generated pojo

@generated("org.jsonschema2pojo") public static enum title {      mr("mr"),     miss("miss"),     mrs("mrs"),     ms("ms");     private final string value;     private static map<string, clazz.title> constants = new hashmap<string, clazz.title>();      static {         (clazz.title c: values()) {             constants.put(c.value, c);         }     }      private title(string value) {         this.value = value;     }      @jsonvalue     @override     public string tostring() {         return this.value;     }      @jsoncreator     public static clazz.title fromvalue(string value) {         clazz.title constant = constants.get(value);         if (constant == null) {             throw new illegalargumentexception(value);         } else {             return constant;         }     } } 

when run request containing following against it:

...   "title" : "mr", ... 

i error thrown @ me:

com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.invalidformatexception: can not construct instance of$title string value 'mr': value not 1 of declared enum instance names: [mr, miss, mrs, ms]  @ [source: org.apache.cxf.transport.http.abstracthttpdestination$1@1a372b7; line: 4, column: 3] (through reference chain:["clazz"]->["title"]) 

clearly, "mr" in enum.

when debugging, can see runs through following classes (stack):

findenum():120, enumresolver (com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util) deserialize():79, enumdeserializer (com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.std) 

it looks only interested in enum's "keys" (i.e. constants, e.g. "mr" instead of "mr"). i'm guessing @jsoncreator annotation ignored reason.

any idea how can fix issue? there configuration value might set anywhere might cause behaviour? (i'm working on big projects; if know need can search code base; maybe developer "misconfigured" somewhere...) or might issue title lives in clazz? need throw @jsonproperty in measure? (if so, how exactly?)

we using jackson-core, -annotations, , -databind 2.4.2.

update: tried stand-alone project, following code, , worked flawlessly - means there must sort of setting prevents annotation being taken account...

objectmapper mapper = new objectmapper(); // create once, reuse clazz value = mapper.readvalue(new file("resources/data.json"), clazz.class); 

so, turns out had following in our spring config:

<bean id="mapper" class="" /> <!-- ... -->        <jaxrs:providers>            <bean id="jsonprovider"                  class="com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs.json.jacksonjaxbjsonprovider">                <constructor-arg ref="mapper" />                <constructor-arg>                    <value></value>                </constructor-arg>            </bean>        </jaxrs:providers> 

jsonmapper extends com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.objectmapper, , sets jackson settings on in constructor. 1 thing had missed in desperation, however, bit of code:

// use jaxb annotations (only)  setannotationintrospector(new jaxbannotationintrospector(     com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.type.typefactory.defaultinstance())); 

and pretty says on tin, seems: stops jackson evaluating @jsoncreator , @jsonvalue annotations. once "jackson annotation suppressor" gone, good.

what i'd understand how works, if has helpful links docs/how-tos/manuals/books either spring stuff or suppression of annotations, appreciated. in meantime, fixes problem. :)


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