jquery - Else clause is running always if I remove (else code) everything working fine -

if remove else part of code working fine if statement correct executing else part also.

why happening , how can resolve this?

please me, new in javascript.

<!doctype html> <html>     <head>         <title>priject 2</title>     </head>     <body>         <label>name:             <input type="text" id="name">         </label>         <input type="submit" id="fetch">         <br />         <dl>          <dt>age</dt>         <dd class="age">-</dd>          <dt>location</dt>         <dd class="location">-</dd>          <dt>job</dt>         <dd class="job  ">-</dd>          <script src="jquery-1.11.1.js"></script>         <script></script>         </dl>          <script src="jquery-1.11.1.js"></script>         <script>              var people=[{                 name:"alex",                 age:20,                 location:"canada",                 job:"web developer"             },             {                 name:"aliana",                 age:21,                 location:"japan",                 job:"teacher"                     }             ]             for(i=0;i<people.length;i++){               result(people[i])               }              function result(data){                 $("#fetch").on("click",function(){                      var name=$("#name").val();                      if(data.name ===name ){                         $(".age").text(" ");                         $(".job").text(" ");                         $(".location").text(" ");                         $(".age").append(data.age);                         $(".job").append(data.job);                         $(".location").append(data.location);                         }                      else if(data.name != name) {                         $("body").text(" ")                         noresult();                         }                  })               }             function noresult(){              var noresult="<div><p>name not in database </p></div>";                 $("body").append(noresult);             }                  </script>     </body> </html> 

pretty bad in code. refactored it.

in code, did :

a = [1,2,3,4]

input = 1

loop every item in array

  • input = 1 ? yes => fetch , append text

  • input = 2 ? no => remove text show error

  • input = 3 ? no => remove text show error

  • input = 4 ? no => remove text show error

at end got error submitted name one.

every time click on button "function" $("#fetch").on("click",function(){ called. can want in it.

note : use .html() replace content, not .text("") , .append(x).

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>  <!doctype html>  <html>      <head>          <title>priject 2</title>      </head>      <body>          <label>name:              <input type="text" id="name">          </label>          <input type="submit" id="fetch">          <br />                  <div id="result">  			<dl>  			  <dt>age</dt>  			  <dd class="age">-</dd>    			  <dt>location</dt>  			  <dd class="location">-</dd>    			  <dt>job</dt>  			  <dd class="job">-</dd>  			</dl>                 </div>                      <div id="noresult">            <p>name not in database </p>          </div>            <script>                var people=[{                  name:"alex",                  age:20,                  location:"canada",                  job:"web developer"              },              {                  name:"aliana",                  age:21,                  location:"japan",                  job:"teacher"                      }              ]                        $("#noresult").hide();                            $("#fetch").on("click",function(){              var name=$("#name").val();              // loop through each person in array , "filter" matching name new array.              var foundpeople = people.filter(function(person){                return name === person.name;              });              // name found => length = 1, not found => length = 0              if(foundpeople.length !== 0){                result(foundpeople[0])              } else {                noresult()              }            })                            function result(people){                $(".age").text(people.age);                $(".job").text(people.job);                $(".location").text(people.location);                $("#result").show();                $("#noresult").hide();              }                function noresult(){                  $("#result").hide();                  $("#noresult").show();              }             </script>      </body>  </html>


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