What does positional PICK on an object do in Rebol 2, and what's the equivalent Rebol 3? -
in rebol 2:
>> foo: make object! [a: 10 b: 20] >> foo/a == 10 >> foo/b == 20 >> first foo == [self b] >> second foo == [make object! [ a: 10 b: 20 ] 10 20] >> third foo == [a: 10 b: 20] >> fourth foo ** script error: fourth expected series argument of type: series date port tuple event ** near: fourth foo
so can pick out of if block values 1, 2, 3. doing positional selection right out in rebol 3:
>> first foo ** script error: cannot use pick on object! value ** where: first ** near: first foo
i gather deprecated (like picking out of function parameter list). however, i'm trying translate code says like:
bar: construct/with (third foo) mumble
(a) point of code?
(b) how translate rebol 3?
a) construct builds object without evaluating spec block. implies spec of some [set-word! any-type!]
form (which if using body of object). construct/with uses second object (mumble
) prototype.
b) object operations appear have changed follows:
i) first object
replaced words-of object
ii) second object
replaced values-of object
iii) third object
replaced body-of object
or to block! object
therefore code can replaced with:
bar: construct/with body-of foo mumble
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