c# - merge properties from two lists -
i have code:
ienumerable<carresultsviewmodel> priceresults = price.select(p => new carresultsviewmodel { priceperday = p.priceperday, priceperdaydelayed = p.priceperdaydelayed, totalprice = (double)p.total_price }).tolist(); ienumerable<carresultsviewmodel> results = car.select(c => new carresultsviewmodel { creationyear = c.creationyear, manufacturername = c.manufacturername, modelname = c.modelname, gear = c.gear, currentkm = c.currentkm, picture = c.picture, startdate = model.startdate, returndate = model.returndate }).tolist();
i implement 3 properties in priceresults results list. there elegant way that?
the commentors correct, can use join function of linq "merge" these 2 lists together, such as:
var carresults = (from pr in priceresults join r in results on pr.carid equals r.carid select new carresultsviewmodel { carid = pr.carid, priceperday = pr.priceperdaydelayed, manufacturername = r.manufacturername, etc... }).tolist();
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