How to login to a site using OAuth, python? -

so have script needs access features of website requires login via oauth.

i have oauth client secrets file dev console- right script can retrieve list of user's youtube videos- have now

__author__ = 'anish'  import httplib2 import sys  googleapiclient.discovery import build oauth2client.client import flow_from_clientsecrets oauth2client.file import storage import argparser, run_flow  import requests requests_oauthlib import oauth1session  # of code sourced  client_secrets_file = "client_secrets.json"  youtube_read_write_scope = "" youtube_api_service_name = "youtube" youtube_api_version = "v3"  missing_client_secrets_message = "missing client secrets"  def get_credentials(args):     flow = flow_from_clientsecrets(client_secrets_file, scope=youtube_read_write_scope)     storage = storage("%s-oauth2.json" % sys.argv[0])     credentials = storage.get()      if credentials none or credentials.invalid:         credentials = run_flow(flow, storage, args)      return credentials  def videos(youtube, uid):     initial = youtube.playlistitems().list(part="snippet", maxresults=50,                                            playlistid="uuy2lh8b-y0r-35llcjoppzw").execute()     yield initial     while "nextpagetoken" in initial:         initial = youtube.playlistitems().list(part="snippet", maxresults=50,                                            playlistid="uuy2lh8b-y0r-35llcjoppzw",                                            pagetoken=initial["nextpagetoken"]).execute()         yield initial  if __name__ == "__main__":      video_list = []      http = get_credentials(argparser.parse_args()).authorize(httplib2.http())      rq = http.request("", method="get")     print(rq[1])      youtube = build(youtube_api_service_name, youtube_api_version,         http=http)      info = youtube.channels().list(part="contentdetails", forusername="indianarobotics").execute()     uploads_id = info["items"][0]["contentdetails"]["relatedplaylists"]["uploads"]      v in videos(youtube, uploads_id):         item in v["items"]:             video_list.append([item["snippet"]["title"], item["snippet"]["resourceid"]["videoid"]])      v_info in video_list:         print(v_info) 

so access token google api's works. however, when things like

print(http.request("", method="get") 

i login page response, though use oauth sign github , credentials have account.

is there way use http object have login site github? need to without sort of api site because website i'd interact with, thebluealliance doesn't have api oauth


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