ios - Cannot Add PFRelation values to a specific objet -

i creating app user can create group, , add information within group. this, pfrobject created in parse database , pfrelation created object containing group info. having trouble adding relation info object want. instead of app adding info existing object, creates new object , relation, , adds info there. how can add data existing object? appreciate suggestions.

@ibaction func createnewgroupaction(sender: anyobject) {     var groupinfo = pfobject(classname: "groupinfo")     groupinfo["user"] = pfuser.currentuser()?.username     groupinfo["interest"] = "cars"      let relationinfo = pfobject(classname: "beatergroups")     relationinfo["groupname"] = "carguys"     let relation = relationinfo.relationforkey("groupinfo")     relation.addobject(groupinfo)  }      var dataparse: nsmutablearray = nsmutablearray()  func loaddata (){       var findgroups: pfquery = pfquery(classname: "beatergroups")     findgroups.findobjectsinbackgroundwithblock { (objects: [anyobject]?, error: nserror?) -> void in          if error == nil && objects != nil {              if let objects = objects as? [pfobject] {                  object in objects {                      self.dataparse.addobject(object)                  }              }          }    self.tableview.reloaddata()     }   }    override func viewdidload() {     super.viewdidload()     loaddata()    }   override func numberofsectionsintableview(tableview: uitableview) -> int {     return 1 }   override func tableview(tableview: uitableview, numberofrowsinsection section: int) -> int {     return self.dataparse.count }      override func tableview(tableview: uitableview, cellforrowatindexpath indexpath: nsindexpath) -> uitableviewcell {        let cell: uitableviewcell = tableview.dequeuereusablecellwithidentifier(cellidentifier, forindexpath: indexpath) as! uitableviewcell     let celldataparse: pfobject = self.dataparse.objectatindex(indexpath.row) as! pfobject     cell.textlabel?.text = celldataparse.objectforkey("groupname")! as? string  return cell     } } 

yes, behaviour expected using current code. let relationinfo = pfobject(classname: "beatergroups") creating new object, add new row.

what need add relation existing beatergroups object. can using query, e.g.


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