javascript - image slicing, only saves (via Filesaver.js) last slice in sequence -
hi i'm writing function break large image individual smaller tiles, , save tiles locally via filesaver.js. however, reason, for-loop keeps writing last tile in. example, if have image , break 4 blocks, , decide write out 2 blocks in first row, both saved image tiles display 2nd image tile.
i write out block number image name (testimage_0.jpg & testimage_1.jpg), both tile image names testimage_1.jpg. have no clue why!, tried context.clearrect, no success. can please me out here silly problem? here function:
var canvas = document.createelement('canvas'); var tilewidthpx = parseint(document.getelementbyid("horizppt").value); var tileheightpx = parseint(document.getelementbyid("vertppt").value); canvas.setattribute('width', tilewidthpx); canvas.setattribute('height', tileheightpx); for(var = 0; < 2; i++) { var context = canvas.getcontext('2d'); context.clearrect(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height); context.drawimage(coverageimg,i*tilewidthpx,0,tilewidthpx,tileheightpx,0,0,tilewidthpx,tileheightpx); canvas.toblob(function(blob){saveas(blob,'testimage_'+i+'.jpg');}, "image/jpg"); alert('done: '+i); }
even though alert displays correct 'i' value of loop... please, anybody, javascript async-problem i'm missing (also converted algorithm promise, didn't solve anything)
so javascript's async functionality made weird. got tile generating algorithm correct creating repetitive function , adding delays (important) in function, here. had pass row , column values correct template position generated. here's resulting code:
var canvas = document.createelement('canvas'); var tilewidthpx = parseint(document.getelementbyid("horizppt").value); var tileheightpx = parseint(document.getelementbyid("vertppt").value); canvas.setattribute('width', tilewidthpx); canvas.setattribute('height', tileheightpx); var context = canvas.getcontext('2d'); var col = 0; //variable columns var row = 0; var colcount = 2; var rowcount = 2; loop(col,row,colcount,rowcount); //call delayed loop first time function loop (col,row,colcount,rowcount) //repetitive function { settimeout(function () { context.beginpath(); context.drawimage(coverageimg,col*tilewidthpx,row*tileheightpx,tilewidthpx,tileheightpx,0,0,tilewidthpx,tileheightpx); canvas.toblob(function(blob){saveas(blob,'testimage_c'+col+'_r'+row+'.png');}, "image/png"); context.closepath(); context.clearrect(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height); col++; if(col == colcount) { col = 0; row++; } if(row < rowcount) loop(col,row,colcount,rowcount); //repeat function while below col threshold }.bind(this), 2000) //function delayed 2 seconds*/ }
hope helps whomever gets stuck same annoying problem...
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