c# - WPF bind boolean value to image display -

i trying display either red or green icon in several grids based upon value of boolean variable set machine states(off/on). converter best way accomplish this? having troubles binding variables image field on grid. cannot seem fire off booltoimageconverter class? thank guidance.

using booltoimageconverter. when using code, check resources , paths them. (images, converters, models (for models , converters check namespaces)).

demo: in demo, changed property name flag, , booltoimageconverter read property , created bitmapimage.

enter image description here


<application x:class="wpfapplication1.app"          xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"          xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"          xmlns:conv="clr-namespace:converters"          startupuri="mainwindow.xaml"> <application.resources>     <resourcedictionary>         <conv:booltoimageconverter x:key="booltoimageconv" />     </resourcedictionary> </application.resources> 


<grid x:name="layoutroot">     <!--image demonstration, binding-->     <image x:name="targetimageblock" source="{binding flag, converter={staticresource booltoimageconv}}" verticalalignment="top" horizontalalignment="left" height="100" width="100"/>     <!--button changing property in view model-->     <button content="change" horizontalalignment="right" verticalalignment="top" margin="15" padding="15" click="button_click"/> </grid> 


    public partial class mainwindow : window {     // create view model     somemodel model = new somemodel();      public mainwindow()     {         initializecomponent();         loaded += mainwindow_loaded;     }      void mainwindow_loaded(object sender, routedeventargs e)     {         loaded -= mainwindow_loaded;         // set context         this.datacontext = model;     }      private void button_click(object sender, routedeventargs e)     {         // change property in view model (not image)         if (model.flag)             model.flag = false;         else             model.flag = true;     }         } 


        public class somemodel : inotifypropertychanged {     public event propertychangedeventhandler propertychanged;      private bool _flag = false;      /// <summary>     /// flag bool value.     /// </summary>     public bool flag     {         { return _flag; }         set         {             if (_flag != value)             {                 _flag = value;                 notify();             }         }     }      private void notify([callermembername] string name = "")     {         var h = propertychanged;         if (h != null)             h(this, new propertychangedeventargs(name));     } } 


    namespace converters {     public class booltoimageconverter : ivalueconverter     {         public object convert(object value, type targettype, object parameter, system.globalization.cultureinfo culture)         {             bool val = (bool)value;             if (val)             {                 return new bitmapimage(new uri("/images/like.png", urikind.relativeorabsolute));             }             else             {                 return new bitmapimage(new uri("/images/favs.png", urikind.relativeorabsolute));             }         }          public object convertback(object value, type targettype, object parameter, system.globalization.cultureinfo culture)         {             throw new notimplementedexception();         }     } } 


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