java - How to use sftp in the mule flow after writing a file? -

i have orchestration flow calls subflow write file , next flow (via flow ref) sftp it.


 <file:outbound-endpoint path="${outputdir}" outputpattern="${filename}" responsetimeout="10000" doc:name="write file"/>   <logger message="file ${filename}  written ${outputdir}" level="info" doc:name="end"/> 

then call flow (via ref) kicks off sftp process.

<flow name="sftp">     <file:inbound-endpoint path="${outputdir}" connector-ref="file" responsetimeout="10000" doc:name="file">         <file:filename-regex-filter pattern="${filename}" casesensitive="true"/>     </file:inbound-endpoint>     <sftp:outbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="one-way" connector-ref="sftp"  responsetimeout="10000" ref="endpoint" doc:name="sftp"  /> </flow> 

the problem is

  1. while file being written, flow executes logger after file outbound endpoint , says file written, , after while fileconnector spits out "write file ...". how make logger wait file done writing??

  2. the file inbound endpoint in flow sftp above, executed immiediately , file isnt ready yet. throws exception first saying expecting inputstream or byte[] or string got arraylist(which original payload orchestration flow). after exception printed, file ready , inbound file connector kicks off reads , sftps fine. seems related above question need somehow make rest of flow wait file writing finish.

note: have create sftp flow flow instead of subflow, because needs source. think if dont create flow , have file connector not source, become outbound connector.

any appreciated.

so figured out, somehow both these questions answered in 1 blog post here

the key #1 is

 <file:connector name="synchronous-file-connector" doc:name="file">      <dispatcher-threading-profile dothreading="false"/> </file:connector> 

for #2 ryan mentions above, using mule requester module.


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