java - WildFly9.0 - adding web service access -

i migrating restful web application glassfish4.1 wildfly9.0 first time.

initially, suffered deployment issues due jersey dependencies. overcome problem, replaced said project dependencies resteasy equivalents inside of pom.xml file. in doing so, application became deployable -- , according (wildfly_base)/standalone/log, , applications -- working expected.

additionally, added jboss-web.xml configuration file web-inf folder:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!doctype jboss-web public "" ""> <jboss-web>     <context-root>myprojectstart</context-root> </jboss-web> 

the hello-world page can reached @ http://ipaddress:8080/myprojectstart.

... however, cannot view web services @ http://ipaddress:8080/myprojectstart/getdata, when using glassfish-4.1.

so; missing?

note: use @annotations like:

  • @applicationpath("/*")
  • @path("/getdata")

no seperate .xml business here

i don't think resteasy supports * in applicationpath. if remove should work fine.


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