python - Redis Cluster mode slower than Standalone -

i've redis cluster of 3 master nodes version 3.0.3 hosted on 3 ec2 t2.medium instances. when sit on 4th instance measure set, performance using redis-benchmark, have

$ redis-benchmark -h redis-com-01 -p 6379 -t set,get -n 1000000 ====== set ====== ... 33550.29 requests per second  ====== ====== ... 32353.04 requests per second  $ redis-benchmark -h redis-com-02 -p 6379 -t set,get -n 1000000 ====== set ====== ... 36329.29 requests per second  ====== ====== ... 37199.61 requests per second  $ redis-benchmark -h redis-com-03 -p 6379 -t set,get -n 1000000 ====== set ====== ... 32338.39 requests per second  ====== ====== ... 32169.86 requests per second 

but, when use benchmark tool measure set, performance of whole cluster, i'm quite surprise result

$ python --host redis-com-03 --port 6379 --timeit 10k set/get operations took: 4.3375210762 seconds... 2305.46430192 operations per second 20k set/get operations took: 8.5704600811 seconds... 2333.59700772 operations per second 40k set/get operations took: 17.3284561634 seconds... 2308.34181781 operations per second 

i've followed checklist nodes configured aof, fsync every second. difference in write performance inexplicable me. give me clue why , if it's possible how fix this? welcome.

afaik busy look, not use multiple threads saturate server. reality need cluster aware redis-benchmark, , need asap... hard evaluate total performance of redis cluster, while not identical, performance of each node similar 1 of stand alone node.

note making redis-benchmark threaded , able test multiple nodes @ same time first step. in order test big benchmark needed run benchmark in parallel in multiple different nodes , sum results.


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