building jQuery plugin , Object is not passing to 'each' function -

i'm building jquery plugin . initial code :

if (typeof object.create !== 'function') {    object.create = function(obj) {     function f() {};     f.prototype = obj;     return new f(); };  }(function($, window, document, undefined) { var datatable = {     init: function(options, elem) {       console.log(options);         var self = this;         self.elem = elem;         self.$elem = $(elem);     //  if (typeof options !== 'string') {             self.options = $.extend({}, $.fn.sonaldatatable.options,   options);     //  }         console.log(self.options);         self.cycle();     },     cycle: function() {         var self = this;         self.buildtable();     },     buildtable: function() {         var self = this;         self.gettableinfo();     },     gettableinfo: function() {         var self = this;         $.getjson(self.options.url + 'initiate', function(data) {             //   this.options.table = data;             console.log(self.options);         });     } }; $.fn.sonaldatatable = function(opt) {    console.log(opt); // pos1  : shows every object pass { test : 'it real test'}      return this.each(function(opt) {       console.log(opt); // pos2 : , shows 0;         var datatable = object.create(datatable);          datatable.init(opt, this);         //console.log(datatable);     }); }; $.fn.sonaldatatable.options = {     create: 'new',     delet: 'trash',     url: window.location.href,     table: {          limit: 10         }  }; })(jquery, window, document); 

in above code there 2 places in comments named pos1: , pos2: , see in pos1 can see ever pass plugin in console log @ pos2 can see 0 in teh console log. what's problem . whay can not pass 'opt' 'each' function ?

problem in part of code :

 $.fn.sonaldatatable = function(opt) {  console.log(opt); // pos1  : shows every object pass { test :   'it real test'}    return this.each(function(opt) {   console.log(opt); // pos2 : , shows 0;     var datatable = object.create(datatable);      datatable.init(opt, this);     //console.log(datatable);  }); }; 

my problem can not pass 'opt' object 'this.each' function.

i'll best describe why you're seeing expected.

lets start here:

$.fn.sonaldatatable = function(opt) {    console.log(opt); // pos1  : shows every object pass { test : 'it real test'}    ... 

lets remove context of jquery plugin , make old function

function sonaltestfunction(opt) {     console.log(opt); } 

here have function takes single parameter opt , whatever passed in written console.

sonaltestfunction(42); // writes "42" console sonaltestfunction({foo:"bar"}); // writes "{foo:"bar"}" console 

now, lets @ second function, again in total isolation:

return this.each(function(opt) {   console.log(opt); // pos2 : , shows 0;      }); 

in case you're calling jquery each function, takes "callback" function called every element in jquery array. parameters of callback are

  • the index of item
  • the item (not seen in example)

this should tell why you're seeing output "0" here - theremust 1 element in array you're calling each on, , it's index 0.

you have re-used parameter name, fine, you're doing nested within first function - suspect expected value passed through, not - instead second usage hides first.

insofar fixing code, expect trying this:

$.fn.sonaldatatable = function(opt) {      console.log(opt); // pos1  : shows every object pass { test :   'it real test'}      return this.each(function(i) { // note use of more appropriate variable, not hide earlier use of opt          console.log(opt); // pos2 : show expect         var datatable = object.create(datatable);          datatable.init(opt, this);      }); }; 


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