c# - Error publish in Win2003 Server MVC project -
i'm trying publish application in win 2003 server iis6.
and i'm debugging on other pc , works ok win 2007 professional , iis7.
this project uses .net 4.0 , asp.net mvc 4.
if in pc try open:
http://localhost/chat/home/index http://localhost/chat
it works ok.
but on server, if type this
i have list of folders in project
if navigate
i error:
server error in '/chat' application.
the resource cannot found.
description: http 404. resource looking for...
if try
i other error:
the page cannot found
the page looking might have been removed, had name changed, or temporarily unavailable.
this default routeconfig
public static void registerroutes(routecollection routes) { routes.ignoreroute("{resource}.axd/{*pathinfo}"); routes.maproute( name: "default", url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}", defaults: new { controller = "home", action = "index", id = urlparameter.optional } ); }
and have code in controller:
public class homecontroller : controller { public actionresult index() { return view(); } }
need put library or reference in project or server?
i have others projects in asp.net mvc work ok , don't see difference.
in chatproject -> configurations -> web
set start action -> current page , try specific page home/index
doesn't work.
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