javascript - Install plugin cordova -

i have develop app check if gps enabled or disabled. if gps disabled, have send users on device's settings.

i find this plugin that.

so, installed plugin using node.js using command line (cordova plugin add com.dataforpeople.plugins.gpssettings).

i use code in javascript file go device's settings :

var gpsdetect = cordova.require('cordova/plugin/gpsdetectionplugin'); phonegapready().then(function () {     gpsdetect.checkgps(onsuccess, onerror); }); 

but in logcat have error:

07-22 15:36:59.555: e/web console(2230): uncaught module cordova/plugin/gpsdetectionplugin not found @ file:///android_asset/www/cordova.js:59

anyone know how can fix problem?


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