ios - Swift Delegate in own class -

i trying write first swift mac application. have hard times refactoring code class.

current status:

import cocoa  class testclass: nsobject, nstextstoragedelegate {      @iboutlet var codetextview: nstextview!     var syntaxparser:trexsyntaxkitparser?     var textstorage : nstextstorage!     init(syntaxparser:trexsyntaxkitparser, textview:nstextview) {         self.syntaxparser = syntaxparser          super.init()          if let textviewstorage = textview.textstorage {             self.textstorage = textviewstorage             self.textstorage.delegate = self         }     }      func textstoragedidprocessediting(notification: nsnotification) {         let inputstring = self.textstorage.string         let wholerange = nsmakerange(0, count(inputstring))          self.textstorage.removeattribute(nsforegroundcolorattributename, range:wholerange)          let attributes = self.syntaxparser!.parse(inputstring)         print("attributes: \(attributes)")          attribdict: [string:anyobject] in attributes {              let range = nsmakerange(attribdict["rangestart"] as! int, attribdict["rangelength"] as! int)             self.textstorage.addattribute(attribdict["attributekey"] as! string, value:nscolor(hexstring: attribdict["color"] as! string)!, range:range)         }     } } 

and how call class:

import cocoa  class codeeditorviewcontroller: nsviewcontroller {      @iboutlet var codetextview: nstextview!     var syntaxparser:trexsyntaxkitparser?     override func viewdidload() {         super.viewdidload()         self.syntaxparser = trexsyntaxkitparser(language:"latex",theme:"classic")         let testclass = testclass(syntaxparser: self.syntaxparser!, textview: self.codetextview)         codetextview.lnv_setuplinenumberview()     } 

but produces following error:

[nsfont textstoragedidprocessediting:]: unrecognized selector sent instance  

i not see call delegate method nsfont ? so precise: how can refactor first class 2 different 1 ?

think memory management of line:

let testclass = testclass(syntaxparser: self.syntaxparser!, textview: self.codetextview) 

testclass local variable. happens brand new testclass instance? comes existence and vanishes in puff of smoke when viewdidload comes end.

thus, have delegate pointing @ object not exist. hence, crash.

solution: make testclass persist long enough - like, instance property of view controller. give refactoring after (this standard design pattern).


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