android - How to doNothing() on void method? -

i have method call void function in it, , when use donothing(), says void method it's not allowed. how donothing() in specific line?

i'm using line,

when(spycolorselector.initializecolors(view, "red")).then(donothing()); 

use stubber syntax :

donothing().when(spycolorselector).initializecolors(view, "red"); 

and spycolorselector has mock.

edit 1: code example spy.

this test works (no exception thrown initializecolors) junit 4.12 , mockito 1.10.19:

public class colorselectortest {      @test     public void testgetcolors() {         // given         string color = "red";         view view = mock(view.class);         colorselector colorselector = new colorselector();         colorselector spycolorselector = spy(colorselector);         donothing().when(spycolorselector).initializecolors(view, color);          // when         linkedlist<integer> colors = spycolorselector.getcolors(color, view);          //         assertnotnull(colors);     } }  class colorselector {      public linkedlist<integer> getcolors(string color, view view) {         this.initializecolors(view, color);         return new linkedlist<>();     }      void initializecolors(view view, string color) {         throw new unsupportedoperationexception("should not called");     } } 

edit 2: new example without spy.

if want initializecolors not executed in test, think there design issue in colorselector class. initializecolors method should in class x, , there dependency of class x in colorselector class stub in test (and no need of spy). basic example:

public class colorselectortest {      @test     public void testgetcolors() {         // given         string color = "red";         view view = mock(view.class);         colorselector colorselector = new colorselector();         colorinitializer colorinitializermock = mock(colorinitializer.class);         donothing().when(colorinitializermock).initializecolors(view, color);   // optional because default behavior of mock nothing         colorselector.colorinitializer = colorinitializermock;          // when         linkedlist<integer> colors = colorselector.getcolors(color, view);          //         assertnotnull(colors);     } }  class colorselector {      colorinitializer colorinitializer;      public linkedlist<integer> getcolors(string color, view view) {         colorinitializer.initializecolors(view, color);         return new linkedlist<>();     } }  class colorinitializer {      public void initializecolors(view view, string color) {         //     } } 


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