java - Getting unrecognized characters from inputStream -

i reading data weigh bridge using java comm api. below code:

import*; import java.util.*; import javax.comm.*;  public class parrot implements runnable, serialporteventlistener {     static commportidentifier portid;     static enumeration portlist;      inputstream inputstream;     serialport serialport;     thread readthread;      public static void main(string[] args) {         portlist = commportidentifier.getportidentifiers();         while (portlist.hasmoreelements()) {             portid = (commportidentifier) portlist.nextelement();             if (portid.getporttype() == commportidentifier.port_serial) {                  if (portid.getname().equals("com1")) {                     parrot reader = new parrot();                 }             }         }     }      public parrot() {         try {             serialport = (serialport)"simplereadapp", 2000);         } catch (portinuseexception e) {system.out.println(e);}         try {             inputstream = serialport.getinputstream();         } catch (ioexception e) {system.out.println(e);}     try {             serialport.addeventlistener(this);     } catch (toomanylistenersexception e) {system.out.println(e);}         serialport.notifyondataavailable(true);         try {             serialport.setserialportparams(9600,                 serialport.databits_8,                 serialport.stopbits_1,                 serialport.parity_none);         } catch (unsupportedcommoperationexception e) {system.out.println(e);}         readthread = new thread(this);         readthread.start();     }      public void run() {         system.out.println("in run method");         try {             thread.sleep(20000);         } catch (interruptedexception e) {system.out.println(e);}     }      public void serialevent(serialportevent event) {         switch(event.geteventtype()) {         case serialportevent.data_available:             byte[] readbuffer = new byte[20];              try {                 int availablebytes =  inputstream.available();                 system.out.println(availablebytes+" bytes available read");                 while (inputstream.available() > 0) {                     int numbytes =;                 }                 system.out.print(new string(readbuffer));             } catch (ioexception e) {system.out.println(e);}             break;         }     } } 

below 2 screen shots, 1 hyper terminal , 1 above java program:

hyper terminal (with terminal font) enter image description here

java program

enter image description here

i want same characters hyper terminal.

it doesn't correctly reading stream. have

        byte[] readbuffer = new byte[20];          try {             int availablebytes =  inputstream.available();             system.out.println(availablebytes+" bytes available read");             while (inputstream.available() > 0) {                 // overwrites bytes previous read                 int numbytes =;             }             // doesn't give buffer end points , doesn't give encoding             system.out.print(new string(readbuffer));         } catch (ioexception e) {system.out.println(e);} 

should be

        byte[] readbuffer = new byte[20];         int bytesread;         try {             int availablebytes =  inputstream.available();             system.out.println(availablebytes+" bytes available read");             while ((bytesread = != -1) {                 system.out.print(new string(readbuffer,0,bytesread,charset.forname(encoding));             }          } catch (ioexception e) {system.out.println(e);} 

where encoding string proper encoding, eg "utf-8".

if want single string has of content:

        byte[] readbuffer = new byte[20];         int bytesread;         stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder(100);         try {             int availablebytes =  inputstream.available();             system.out.println(availablebytes+" bytes available read");             while ((bytesread = != -1) {                 sb.append(new string(readbuffer,0,bytesread,charset.forname(encoding));             }             system.out.println("the content -> " + sb);          } catch (ioexception e) {system.out.println(e);} 

edit: answering comment here: if want separate line, need add new-line stringbuilder within loop. boxes because not have proper encoding or content isn't valid character data. don't know how programmatically determine encoding. it's know beforehand. other problem may constants use when setting com port stream

        serialport.setserialportparams(9600,             serialport.databits_8,             serialport.stopbits_1,             serialport.parity_none); 

are sure correct?

fyi: list of'll want use value middle column ("canonical name api , java.lang api").


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