My Cucumber script doesn't seem to be picking up my Ruby script -
i new cucumber , ruby, please forgive me if i'm missing seems simple. i'm able run cucumber script, , gives me following result:
feature: guru99 demopage login in order login in demopage have enter login details scenario: register on guru99 demopage without email # test.feature:5 given on guru homepage # test.feature:7 when enter blank details register # test.feature:9 error email shown # test.feature:11 1 scenario (1 undefined) 3 steps (3 undefined) 0m0.040s can implement step definitions undefined steps these snippets: given(/^i on guru homepage$/) pending # write code here turns phrase above concrete actions end when(/^enter blank details register$/) pending # write code here turns phrase above concrete actions end then(/^error email shown$/) pending # write code here turns phrase above concrete actions end
this expected. however, when add .rb file contains:
require 'watir-webdriver' require 'colorize' browser = given(/^i on guru homepage$/) pending # write code here turns phrase above concrete actions end when(/^enter blank details register$/) pending # write code here turns phrase above concrete actions end then(/^error email shown$/) pending # write code here turns phrase above concrete actions end
running cucumber script returns exact same result did before. have in folder called "features" , .rb file in subfolder of called step_definitions. doing wrong? can't seem find answer online, @ appreciated!
since feature files , step definitions in features
folder, try run cucumber --require features
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