php - Deploying yii2 in a subdirectory -
i deployed yii2 on subdirectory. encountering problems on redirection. on localhost, worked project not in subdirectory, not having problems. when deployed on our live server , put project in subdirectory, having problems.
my problem when visit homepage of site being redirected root of website.
here's example: main site:
yii2 site:
when try go, expected redirected @, instead redirected
i changed .htaccess one
rewriteengine on # if directory or file exists, use directly rewritecond %{request_filename} !-f rewritecond %{request_filename} !-d # otherwise forward index.php rewriterule ^(.*) system/index.php/$1 [qsa,l]
but think 1 wrong though...
i have 1 on web.php
$config = [ 'id' => 'basic', 'basepath' => dirname(__file__) . directory_separator . '..', 'defaultroute' => 'site/login', //... other codes here...
as can see have defaultroute
seems keep on redirecting on /login
, not in subfolder link.
any how set yii2 in subdirectory
your appreciated. thanks!
the urlmanager doesn't know app not in webserver's root directory. try setting $config['components']['urlmanager']['baseurl']
project's path:
// in web.php $config = [ 'id' => 'basic', //... other codes here... 'components' => [ 'urlmanager' => [ 'class' => 'yii\web\urlmanager', 'baseurl' => 'myproject', ] ] ]
btw, shorten basepath
definition to
'basepath' => dirname(__dir__),
which should return same directory less (and imho cleaner) code.
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