python - How to use a queryset filter with M2M models in django admin-export? -

i need export data in django admin, i'm using django-import-export lib , export fine, problem gets id of attribute instead of name(of course)

given models, on operation export, want book atribute book's title instead of id's tied operation

class book(models.model):     title = models.charfield()     value = models.floatfield()    class operation(models.model):     book = models.manytomanyfield(book, through='bookoperation')     sender = models.charfield()     date = models.datefield()   class bookoperation(models.model):      book = models.foreignkey(book)     operation = models.foreignkey(operation)     quantity = models.integerfield() 

here operationresource in

class operationresource(resources.modelresource):     book = fields.field(column_name='book(s)', widget=manytomanywidget(book))     class meta(object):         model = operation         exclude = ('id',)      def dehydrate_book(self, operation):         return 

with code this, i'm getting

get() returned more 1 book -- returned 2!

i tried using doesn't see work, must doing wrong !


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