javascript - Dynamically add multiple CKEDitor in IFRAME Yii -
i need multiple ckeditor in iframe yii.
i have followed link works without iframe have popup dialog iframe iframe works single instance editor need mulipte
code single instance :
<?php echo $form->textarea($model, 'message', array('id'=>'question_editor','maxlength'=>508)); ?> <script src="<?php echo yii::app()->baseurl.'/assets/ckeditor/ckeditor.js'; ?>"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> ckeditor.config.toolbar_ma=[ ['format','bold','italic','underline','-','superscript','-','justifyleft','justifycenter','justifyright','justifyblock','-','numberedlist','bulletedlist','-','outdent','indent'] ,{ name: 'links', items: [ 'link', 'unlink', 'anchor' ] },{ name: 'colors', items: [ 'textcolor', 'bgcolor' ] },{name: 'insert',items:['table','image']},['templates']]; ckeditor.replace( 'question_editor', { toolbar:'ma', height:'140px',width: '95%' } ); </script>
please me proceed multiple ckeditor instance in iframe
create text area using yii code or html, change name , id per naming convention
<textarea name="question_editor2" id="question_editor2" rows="10" cols="80"> second editor. </textarea>
replace textarea ckeditor
<script> ckeditor.replace( 'question_editor2' ); </script>
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