python - How can I continue the for loop of the outer side? -

def countprimes(self, n):         if n <= 1:             return 0         if n == 2:             return 1         count = 0         counted = [2, ]         num in xrange(3, n+1, 2):             c in counted:                 if num % c == 0:                     continue             count += 1             counted.append(num)         return count 

i writing code solution of primes counting problems. used counted array storing primes have been examined , use them examination next prime. tried using continue drop out inner loop count += 1 , counted.append(num) not executed once num found not valid prime. however, met implementing problem here, continue statement take me c instead of num.

if understand question correctly, want know how break inner c loop, avoid other code, , continue num. other answers, want make use of break smart booleans. here's loop might like:

for num in xrange(3, n+1, 2):     next_num = false     c in counted:         if num % c == 0:             next_num = true             break     if next_num:         continue     count += 1     counted.append(num) 

this way, if encounter num divisible c, break out of inner c loop, avoid adding num counted list.


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