javascript - How to remove hidden element from the array using recursive method -

i using tree structure show types not hidden. deleting type hidden = truewhich working fine perfectly

var filtertypes = function (types) {     (var = 0, l = types.length; < l; i++) {       var type = types[i];       if (type && !type.hidden) {         if (type.text) {           type.n = type.text  =;         }         if (type.children) {           filtertypes(type.children);         }       } else {          types.splice(i, 1);          filtertypes(types);       }     }     return types;   }; 

but not edit data (i.e. types), want create new array non-hidden values. want function provide types data , returns me types not hidden.

note:- types structure follow

1    11    111      12    121      13 2    21    211            212      22    221             222 3    31    311            312      32    321             322 

suppose 13, 121, 21, 31, 32 hidden should output follows

[1,2,3]  1.children should should [11, 12] #as 13 hidden         11.children should [111]         12.children should nil #as 121 hidden         3.children should nil #as 31, 32 hidden 

you have create new arrays , objects in every place modified original before:

var filtertypes = function (types) {     var newtypes = [];     (var = 0, l = types.length; < l; i++) {       var type = types[i];       if (type && !type.hidden) {         var newtype = extend({}, type); //replace extend object.assign, angular.extend or similar         if (type.children) {           newtype.children = filtertypes(type.children);         }         newtypes.push(newtype);       }     }     return newtypes;   }; 

you immutable datastructures, immutable.js, might helpful.


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