iOS Swift Segues -
what want: when i'm on green screen , push button "pushtobrown" want brown screen "think" i'm coming blue. if push button in brown screen want go blue.
at moment: call green screen programmatically example performseguewithidentifier(..., nil) , can switch brown or implement drag&drop (from button "pushtobrown" brownvc screen). if push "back button" go green. -> how can tell brown should go blue?
i suppose that's problem navigation controller. me if know tutorials segues or navigationcontroller handlding.
thanks in advance!
the solution problem unwind segue : what unwind segues , how use them?
what should ( can see in link ) add exit point, create unwind method , call 1 instead of simple popviewcontroller
. first answer contains both explanation, code examples, , both objective-c , swift
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