java - Bst tree delete() method doesnt work -
i implementing binary search tree , wondering, why delete() method doesn't work... findmin() method work, have tested out far. type in key, doesn't exist in 3 , right exception, whenever type in key, existing, doesn't remove node three... here code far:
import java.util.nosuchelementexception; public class bst { node root; node head; node tail; public bst(){ root = null; } public void insert (node root, int key){ node newnode=new node(key); if(root==null){ root=newnode; } if(key<=root.getkey()){ if (root.getleft()!=null){ insert(root.getleft(), key); } else{ root.setleft(newnode); } } if (key>=root.getkey()){ if (root.getright()!=null){ insert(root.getright(),key); } else{ root.setright(newnode); } } } public void printtree(node root){ if (root==null) return; printtree(root.getleft()); system.out.print(root.getkey() + " "); printtree(root.getright()); } public node treetocdll(node root){ if (root == null){ return null; } node lefttree=treetocdll(root.getleft()); node righttree=treetocdll(root.getright()); if (lefttree == null){ head=root; } else { head=lefttree; lefttree.getleft().setright(root); root.setleft(lefttree.getleft()); } if (righttree==null){ head.setleft(root); root.setright(head); tail=root; } else{ tail=righttree.getleft(); head.setleft(tail); tail.setright(head); root.setright(righttree); righttree.setleft(root); } return head; } public boolean find(node root, int key){ node current=root; while(current!=null){ if(current.getkey()==key){ return true; } else if(current.getkey()>key){ current=current.getleft(); } else current=current.getright(); } return false; } public void printlist(node head){ node current = head; while(current!=null){ system.out.print(current.getkey() + " "); current=current.getright(); if(current==head) break; } } public node findmin(node root){ node current=root; if(root==null) return null; else{ if(current.getleft()!=null){ return findmin(current.getleft()); } } return current; } public void delete(node root, int key){ node current=root; if(root==null){ throw new nosuchelementexception("baum ist leer"); } else{ if(current.getkey()>key){ delete(current.getleft(), key); } else if(current.getkey()<key){ delete(current.getright(),key); } else{ if(current.getleft()==null && root.getright()==null){ current=null; } else if(current.getleft()==null){ node tmp=current; current=current.getright(); tmp=null; } else if(current.getright()==null){ node tmp=current; current=current.getleft(); tmp=null; } else { node min=findmin(current.getright()); node tmp=current; current=min; tmp=null; } } } } public static void main (string[]args){ bst bst=new bst(); node root=new node(4); bst.insert(root, 2); bst.insert(root, 10); bst.insert(root, 3); bst.insert(root, 5); bst.insert(root, 6); bst.insert(root, 0); bst.delete(root, 2); system.out.print("in-order traversal: "); bst.printtree(root); system.out.println(); system.out.print("der gesuchte knoten : " + bst.find(root,7)); system.out.println(); system.out.print("der kleinste knoten : " + bst.findmin(root)); system.out.println(); system.out.print("circular doubly linked list: "); node head= bst.treetocdll(root); bst.printlist(head); } }
node class:
public class node { private node left; private node right; private int key; public node(int key){ this.key=key; left = null; right = null; } public void setleft(node left){ this.left=left; } public node getleft(){ return left; } public void setright(node right){ this.right=right; } public node getright(){ return right; } public int getkey(){ return key; } }
i glad if me... tried out find solution whole day, seems won't find on own
here, doing current=min not changing node in tree, replacing local pointer (current). either rewrite values of node setters, of update getleft on parent of node.
else { node min=findmin(current.getright()); node tmp=current; current=min; tmp=null; }
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