javascript - How can I recognize a hand drawn shape is similar to a SVG Model -
i let users re-draw on svg shape (the number 8), , able detect if shape completed or not. user have re-draw on borders of svg, finger on mobile, abie continue through website. want use javascript.
my first approach use hidden divs , detect whenever mouse passes on each 1 in right order (see sketch), there can errors. , highlight drawn track in way show filling progress.
which approach should use ?
well, depends on how implemented drawing canvas. without actual code, it's difficult provide answer.
regardless, might try use second path hidden/transparent , overlaps first one.
then capture mouseenter/mouseleave (or whatever events you're using "draw") , based on event coordinates, assess if "shape" correctly draw or not.
basic example:
var foo = document.getelementbyid('foo'), x = -1, y = -1; function between(n, en, err) { return (n >= en - err && n <= en + err); } function fail() { // user failed stuff accordingly console.warn('user failed draw properly'); // reset stuff x = -1; y = -1; } foo.addeventlistener("mouseenter", function(event) { console.log('enter: ' + event.x + ',' + event.y); if (x === -1) { // first enter, check if user started in correct position // tied position of canvas, if user must start @ beginning // of path or can start wherever... // should implement own logic return; } // check if drawing complete // onde again, same above // check if after first mouseleave, mouseenter event // in acceptable range if (!between(x, event.x, 10) || !between(y, event.y, 10)) { fail(); } }); foo.addeventlistener("mouseleave", function(event) { console.log('exit: ' + event.x + ',' + event.y); x = event.x; y = event.y; });
<svg> <path id="foo" d="m100,100 l150,100 a50,25 0 0,0 150,100 q50,-50 70,-170 z" stroke-width="20" style="stroke: red; fill: none;" /> <path d="m100,100 l150,100 a50,25 0 0,0 150,100 q50,-50 70,-170 z" style="stroke: #006666; fill: none;" /> </svg>
for instance, in example accept "error" of 10px. set stroke of hidden path 20px.
when user mouse leaves accepted drawing area, if not reenters in acceptable range, fails drawing , resets.
this example, can build this
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