c# - Creating new datarow on a SQL Server with automized date from DBMS doesn't work -

hi i'm trying create new datarow on sql server. works pretty if transmit mat_dbdate column manually c# code.

heres example:

c# code:

private void buttonmaterialanlegen_click(object sender, routedeventargs e)     {         try         {             datarow dr = dsmaterial.tbl_material.newrow();              dr["mat_fk_lfr_id"] = comboboxlieferant.selectedvalue;             dr["mat_fk_lag_id"] = comboboxlagerort.selectedvalue;             dr["mat_name"] = textboxbeschreibung.text;             dr["mat_dbdate"] = datetime.now;              dsmaterial.tbl_material.rows.add(dr);              tamaterial.update(dsmaterial);         }         catch (exception ex)         {             messagebox.show(ex.message);         }     } 

but if want sql server add date automatically via getdate() command default doesn't work. got nonullallowedexception.

the mat_dbdate colum has following specifications:

    [mat_dbdate] datetime2 (7) constraint [df_tbl_material_mat_dbdate] default (sysdatetime()) not null, 

thank's help!


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