ios - Pass value to closure? -

i want logic after last item processed, terminal show i has same value c. idea how pass loop variable in?

let c = a.count var i=0; i<c; i++ {     dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(dispatch_queue_priority_background, 0), {          // ..          dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), {              println("i \(i) c \(c)")             if == c-1 {                  // stuff come here             }         })     }) } 

you can capture value of i explicitly capture list [i] in closure, don't need copy separate variable. example:

let c = 5 var i=0; i<c; i++ {      dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(dispatch_queue_priority_background, 0), {         [i] in   // <===== capture list         dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), {               println("i \(i) c \(c)")         })     }) } 


 0 c 5 1 c 5 2 c 5 3 c 5 4 c 5 


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