vba - Access FindFirst/FindNext returns Operation is not supported in this type of object -

i have code:

sub printpdfpagestest(formname string, filename string) ''print each record separate pdf file, named according invoice number      dim rs recordset     dim wherecondition string     dim savename string      dim strtemp2 long     strtemp2 = 2281821648      set rs = currentdb.openrecordset(filename)   ''can pass sql in string      ''add msgbox: create number input invoicenumber     ''get value invoicenumber  = inputbox ("enter starting invoice num"...)     ''get value end invoicenumber = inputbox("enter ending invoice num"...)     ''get start value starting location (findrecord) -----need plan step out.     ''add if statement in while loop. if condition not end invoice number, keep going      rs.findnext "[invoicenumber]=" & strtemp2      docmd.close acform, formname     rs.close     set rs = nothing end sub 

what want find position of strtemp2 invoice number in table , use movenext , moveprevious on record navigate around table.

i keep getting error message:

operation not supported type of object.

this happens on line:

set rs = currentdb.openrecordset(filename)   

i tried changing rs to:

dim rs recordset 

however still gives me same error.

you can't open recordset file name. first open database, recordset.


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