javascript - How can I get all text in an SVG document that's exactly within a rectangular region? -

i have complex svg document generated pdf research paper via pdf.js, , want find text within rectangular area. in support of web-based labeling tool users can draw rectangles on top of arbitrary regions of rendered svg file (basically treating image) , need see corresponding text. first approach thought of iterating through each of svg's svg:text or svg:tspan elements , checking whether intersects rectangle in question, perhaps using checkenclosure() (unsupported ff, btw).

however, won't work cases rectangle annotates characters subset of svg:text or svg:tspan. example, imagine want annotate individual keywords in line:

keywords: heusler alloys; pressure effect; curie temperature

the svg in case breaks 2 's (because 'keywords ' italics):

'keywords: '


'heusler alloys; pressure effect; curie temperature'

if 1 rect drawn around words 'pressure effect', program need scan each character in each , intersection rect (more specifically, contained it). in way treat each char rectangular glyph.

it if share pointers, either based on initial approach or on else know about.

update 2015-07-23:

following w3 svg dom methods of interest find:

interfacesvgsvgelement - interface corresponds ‘svg’ element

  • boolean checkenclosure(in svgelement element, in svgrect rect)
  • boolean checkintersection(in svgelement element, in svgrect rect)
  • nodelist getenclosurelist(in svgrect rect, in svgelement referenceelement)
  • nodelist getintersectionlist(in svgrect rect, in svgelement referenceelement)

interfacesvgtextcontentelement - inherited various text-related interfaces, such svgtextelement, svgtspanelement, svgtrefelement, svgaltglyphelement , svgtextpathelement.

  • svgrect getextentofchar(in unsigned long charnum);

interfacesvglocatable - for elements either have ‘transform’ attribute or don't have ‘transform’ attribute content can have bounding box in current user space

  • svgrect getbbox()


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