python - Error on doing shutil.rmtree -
in python code copying installer temp , installing , want delete temp copy. using "shutil.rmtree" function remove installer copy in temp. sometime getting error "[error 32] process cannot access file because being used process"
how can avoid ? have way check directory not used other program ? if yes can check availability of directory till other process leaves control , delete ?
please me sample codes ! pretty new python.
copy_dst = tempfile.mkdtemp() if success: success = robocopy_file_or_folder(installer_location, copy_dst) local_path_to_setup = os.path.join(copy_dst, app_folder, 'setup.exe') if success: success, response_text = install_product(local_path_to_setup, success, response_text) try: if success: shutil.rmtree(copy_dst, ignore_errors = false, onerror=handle_remove_readonly) except oserror e: log(" %s\n delete installer local copy @ \"%s\" failed.\n" % (e, copy_dst)) success = false
this code !! , "install_product()" install product calling setup.exe in command.robocopy_file_or_folder () -- copy files.
def handle_remove_readonly(func, path, exc): """ changes access mode of specified folder remove read_only """ exc_value = exc[1] if func in (os.rmdir, os.remove) , exc_value.errno == errno.eacces: os.chmod(path, stat.s_irwxu| stat.s_irwxg| stat.s_irwxo) # 0777 func(path) else: raise
" install product calling setup.exe incommand.robocopy_file_or_folder()
– copy files.
wait installation finish , setup.exe
exit before trying remove directory.
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