text - 2 different Ranges Compare from different Sheets not Working VBA -

why isnt text compare working? i'm trying compare 2 different ranges different sheets.

is there simple way of doing this?

sub selecttest()  text3 = sheets("input data").range(cells(2, 2), cells(2, columns.count).end(xltoleft)) text4 = sheets("sap output data").range(cells(3, 1), cells(rows.count, 1).end(xlup))  if strcomp(text3, text4, vbtextcompare) = 0  else  cells(cell.row, "a").interior.colorindex = 26 cells(cell.row, "b").interior.colorindex = 26 cells(cell.row, "c").interior.colorindex = 26 cells(cell.row, "d").interior.colorindex = 26  end if end sub 

is there im doing incorrectly?

also tried no errors wont solve:

sub comprangetest()  thisworkbook.sheets("input data") text3 = range(cells(2, 2), cells(2, columns.count).end(xltoleft)).select end  thisworkbook.sheets("sap output data") text4 = sheets("sap output data").range(cells(3, 1), cells(rows.count, 1).end(xlup)).select end  'text3 = sheets("input data").range(cells(2, 2), cells(2, columns.count).end(xltoleft)) 'text4 = sheets("sap output data").range(cells(3, 1), cells(rows.count, 1).end(xlup))  if strcomp(text3, text4, vbtextcompare) = 0  else  activesheet.cells(cell.row, "a").interior.colorindex = 26 activesheet.cells(cell.row, "b").interior.colorindex = 26 activesheet.cells(cell.row, "c").interior.colorindex = 26 activesheet.cells(cell.row, "d").interior.colorindex = 26  end if  end sub 

am using correct method?

instead of comparing different sheets, brought range on current sheet , made requirement use selection before compare initiates. since source range on row, used k integer source is. source changes , above selection. line used compare. of coarse can go further , create selection range sheet. works me now. hope saved time other people struggling was.

sub compareranges() application.screenupdating = false     dim report worksheet     dim integer, j integer, k integer     dim lastrow integer     dim lastcolumn integer     dim sht worksheet     dim cell range     dim x long, y long      set sht = thisworkbook.sheets("sap output data")      lastrow = sht.usedrange.rows.count     lastcolumn = sht.usedrange.columns.count      'if selection nothing     'msgbox "nothing selected, please select range."     'else      'x first row number of selection, y last.     x = selection.rows(1).row     y = selection.rows.count + x - 1     'msgbox x & "  " & y      'give row number of cell above selection.     k = selection.rows(1).offset(-1, 0).row     'msgbox k      = x y 'lastrow     'for = 3 lastrow 'lastrow         j = 5 lastcolumn             if sht.cells(i, 1).value <> "" 'this omit blank cells @ end (in event column lengths not equal.                 'sht.cell (2, j) "k variable source."                 if instr(1, sht.cells(k, j).value, sht.cells(i, 1).value, vbtextcompare) > 0                     sht.cells(i, 1).interior.color = rgb(255, 255, 255) 'white background                     sht.cells(i, 1).font.color = rgb(0, 0, 0) 'black font color                     exit                 else                     sht.cells(i, 1).interior.color = rgb(156, 0, 6) 'dark red background                     sht.cells(i, 1).font.color = rgb(255, 199, 206) 'light red font color                 end if             end if         next j     next      'end if application.screenupdating = true end sub 


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