mysql is not using the correct timezone in a windows server -
i'm having weird issue on timezone used mysql server running on windows server 2012
things have done:
- set default timezone in my.ini file, in case default-time-zone=america/chicago
- ensure i'm using actual ini file
- check timezone variable used mysql system
- loaded timezone tables mysql data folder, cause read in windows tables aren't there default
- check server actual time correctly set utc-06:00, same time chicago
- run select now() statement
the last item in list returning me different time, 5 hours ahead, 1 thing when restart server time timezone correctly set chicago time, after few days, got incorrect one, 5 hours ahead.
i have no idea why happening, maybe can me this, thanks!
after establishing mysql connection please run query.
set session time_zone = 'america/chicago'
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