c++ - Is there another way to call Base method from derived which is virtual -

i wondering if there way call virtual base method derived instead of:

void y() //is virtual in base {    base::y(); } 

if duplicate, i'm sorry.

regardless of why want this, can achieve same thing using alternate syntax. add resolution syntax dereferencing of variable (the same can achieved non-pointers dereferenced . operator)

#include <iostream> using namespace std;  class { public:     virtual void x( )     {         cout << "a::x()\n";     }      virtual void y( )     {         cout << "a::y()\n";     } };  class b : public { public:     virtual void x( )     {         cout << "b::x()\n";     }      virtual void y( )     {         cout << "b::y()\n";     } };  void main( ) {     b* xb = new b( );      a* xa = xb;      xb->x( );     xb->y( );      xa->x( );     xa->y( );      xb->a::x( );     xb->a::y( );      system( "pause" ); } 


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