node.js - VS2015 RTM can't build Cordova app on iOS with remotebuild -

i built apache cordova app using visual studio 2015 rc. on mac, had vs-mda-remote installed build ios app. worked great, until upgraded official release today.

vs-mda-remote doesn't work anymore , from documenation understand call remotebuild. cleaned npm , installed tools according documentation, run these errors.

when try build project visual studio, error message:

0:error:0b07c065:x509 certificate routines:x509_store_add_cert:cert in hash table:openssl\crypto\x509\x509_lu.c:346:

if copy source code mac , build there, works fine.

any ideas?

first disable security executing "remotebuild --secure false" on os x , in visual studio under tools->options->tools apache cordova->remote agent configuration, switch "secure mode" false. have done sure there no addidtional error , ran problem:

windows 10; visual studio 2015 community:

cannot post //build/tasks?command=build&vcordova

os x terminal:

comnmand: remotebuild --secure false

remotebuild copyright (c) 2014 microsoft corporation. rights reserved. 1.0.0

warning: no server modules selected. defaulting configuration "modules": {"taco-remote": { "mountpath": "cordova"} } build retention initialized basebuilddir /users/butti/.taco_home/remote-builds/taco-remote/builds, maxbuildstokeep 20 initialized buildmanager basebuilddir /users/butti/.taco_home/remote-builds/taco-remote/builds; maxbuildsinqueue 10; deletebuildsonshutdown true; allowsemulate true; nextbuildnumber 1751 remote build server listening on [http] port 3000 post //build/tasks?command=build&vcordova=4.3.1&cfg=debug&loglevel=warn 404 5975.363 ms - 91

i found on following website helped in case:


ios simulator not work when using remotebuild agent , vs 2015 rtm: need install version 3.1.1 of ios-sim node module. run "npm install -g ios-sim@3.1.1" terminal app in osx install.


existing vs-mda-remote settings in visual studio not work remotebuild agent: need generate , use new pin when setting visual studio connect remotebuild agent first time. if not using secure mode, turn secure mode on , off again cause vs reinitalize.


especially part "... turn secure mode on , off again ..." trick!

maybe have create new certificate after on os x terminal:

remotebuild resetservercerts remotebuild generateclientcert 

from microsoft website (install visual studio tools apache cordova):

...regenerate certificates work given hostname. if intend configure remote agent in visual studio using host name, ping mac using host name verify reachable. otherwise, may need use ip address instead.

hope helps in case!


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