EXCEL conditional formatting based on 3 different dates. Once passed each of the dates X column changes word -
i trying build shipping lineup. have eta etb , etd date column each ship. have status column display either expected,waiting,loading,sailed. if today's date pre eta date want status column display "expected". once pass eta date, want status column display "waiting". once pass etb date status should "loading". , once pass etd date status should saying "sailed".
idea how on excel 2010 ? thanks.
assume eta in column a, etb column b, , etd column c. put formula in column d, starting in d1 , drag down.
=if(today()>c1, "sailed", if(today()>b1,"loading",if(today()>a1,"waiting","expected")))
this works testing each successive criteria - if today() [which automatic excel function brings day's date] later etd date, , if not, if larger etb date, , if not, if larger eta date [if not, automatically becomes "expecting"].
this not 'conditional formatting'. conditional formatting special option add formula impacts formatting of cell, , not value.
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